Your First Visit at Moore Family Dental
At Your First Dental Appointment
Your first visit here at Moore Family Dental will typically consist of a review of your medical and dental history, comprehensive examination, radiographs, intraoral pictures, and an oral cancer screening. Once we have determined the type of cleaning you need, we will schedule you back with one of our hygienists. We’ll make sure to accommodate your schedule.
In order to make your first dental visit the most enjoyable experience please come prepared with the following information:
- X-rays from previous dental practices
- A list of any or all medication that you’re presently prescribed and taking
- Your dental insurance information
- Patient Forms filled out
Having this prepared and ready for your appointment will save you time and allow us to make your first visit the very best experience.
We’re so excited to see you. If you have any questions please call (417) 887-1397 or send us an email.